Perspective from therapy manager
In many cases, conversion clinics are managed by researcher or conservative Christian groups.
Therapist David Is a member of American Psychological Association and he is also marriage and family therapist. Dr. Joseph is top of NARTH and his main statement is “If gay doesn’t define you, you don’t have to be gay”. He promoted the classic opinion that homosexuality is rooted in trauma and he uses psychological way.
They perform the treatment in psychological, spiritual and physical way. For example, conversation and electronic shock. Sometimes, they think homosexuality is like illness as same as drug addiction even though it is just an identity. The goal of program is changing his or her sexuality to heterosexual.
In order to promote the repair, they publish books, introduce client voice and appear in media.
On the website, the word ”authentic “and “inborn “ is often seen. I found a writer who express homosexuality as a “wound “.
Psychologists who support the conversion mainly focus on the childhood experience prevent being heterosexual.
Psychologists who support the conversion mainly focus on the childhood experience prevent being heterosexual.
Joseph Nicolosi - Reparative Therapy®. (n.d.). Retrieved from
久世和彦. (2016, November 28). 同性愛の"矯正"治療「コンバージョン・セラピー」経験者が語る トランプ政権で起こりうるクィア迫害とは. Retrieved from